The Company Behind EaaSi™


Leveraging the power of our EaaSi platform, national
award winning Catalyst Digital Energy are perfectly placed
to offer a 360° energy consultancy service.

Utility Procurement – Electricity, Gas and Water

Catalyst Digital Energy is one of the leading providers of utility purchasing and
contract negotiation services to the commercial sector.

With over 15 years’ experience in this dynamic market, our team of energy
market professionals provide a full options appraisal for your utility contract
needs. Having a balance between technical expertise and the commercial
reality of our clients’ requirements, we provide a blend of management and
energy consultancy services that is rare in our industry.

With the largest supplier panel in the UK, and a full range of business energy
procurement solutions that match your exact purchasing requirements from
fixed priced products, pass through and flexible energy purchasing solutions.
Our monthly market reports and insights from our EaaSi platform then help you
to understand the key drivers influencing your utility costs.

Energy Consultancy Services

We span all aspects of energy efficiency, from consultancy and project management through to
delivery at a local level via our national network of accredited assessors and installers.

Our proven expertise in retrofitting properties with renewable technologies and energy efficiency
measures allows a business to finally take control of energy cost, reduce carbon and have a
lasting impact on the environment and energy sustainability.

Catalyst has audited around 350 businesses across all sectors, ranging in energy spend from
£10k to £25M annually.

Our results show that most businesses can reduce their energy bills by 10% through better
energy management, or by 25% with carefully chosen energy efficient equipment upgrades. Our
EaaSi platform is central to justifying such recommendations.

We help you understand what your energy efficiency opportunities are, and show you how to
take advantage of any government funding, renewable incentives or investment.

Fully Funded Renewable Solutions

Our recommendations are largely self-financing through a guaranteed energy saving approach.
This is achieved by using our EaaSi platform to review and validate your current monthly energy
spends and agreeing the percentage of savings needed to prove viability on any given project or
a blend of projects.

The financing can be structured to ensure that any capital costs are offset against reductions in
utility bills, whilst still returning a monthly saving back to the business, after which you reap the
full financial benefit. Using our EaaSi Monitor solution will ensure a fully transparent payback
which can be presented back to senior management with confidence.

In addition to this there are many investor ready support provisions in the energy efficiency
industry. investors see the implementation of energy solutions as a secure investment

Since making the initial investment can be a barrier for some, we can help by offering great
financial packages on and off balance sheet.

  • Wind Turbines

    Fully funded wind turbines.

  • Gas CHP

    Fully funded gas CHP solutions

  • Solar PV

    Fully funded solar PV solutions.

Fully Funded Sustainable Energy

Catalyst Digital Energy delivers design, development and operation of private wire and on site sustainable energy for large industrial and commercial clients across the UK.

We provide a tailored, flexible Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to meet your business requirements securing power at a long term, fixed rate while reducing your carbon footprint. We perform a deep dive analysis on your specific half hourly data using EaaSi PRO and EaaSi Analytics to match this against our stored EaaSi Cost Stacker non-commodity pricing to evaluate a sites potential for on-site generation.

  • Battery Storage

    Fully funded battery storage and DSR services.

  • Biomass

    Funded biomass heating and CHP.

  • District Heating

    Fully funded district heating services.